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    Παρακαλώ αποδείξτε ότι δεν είστε μηχανή επιλέγοντας φορτηγό.

    The gas tank, based on the current Technical Regulation (Government Gazette 1257 B ‘/3.9.03) is a fixed metal container for pressure, gas storage, with a capacity of more than 150 liters, with a cylindrical or spherical shape, which meets the requirements of the Directive 97/23 / EC on pressure equipment.

    The main reasons for choosing a gas tank, instead of bottles, are (a) the ability to supply to meet high demands and (b) the economy since the supply of bottles is much more expensive.

    Facilities supplied by gas tanks are found mainly in industrial but also craft, professional (restaurants, hotels, etc.) and domestic, when there is space available for the installation of the tank.

    LPG tanks are divided into Overground and Underground. Underground tanks are those buried with full coverage of the tank with soil. The advantage of underground tanks is the increased fire protection, while the main advantage of above-ground tanks is the more economical installation.

    LPG Tank Equipment: The LPG tank according to the legislation must be equipped with: Filling Valve, Gas Phase Suction Valve, Safety Pressure Gauge, Level Indicator, Pressure Relieving Pressure Valve – Pressure Squeezing Pressure.

    Construction Certificate: For each LPG tank, a Construction Certificate must be issued which will state: The Manufacturer, the Year of Construction, the No. Series, the Construction Materials, the relevant Regulation or Standard and the Compliance with the Directive 97/23 / EC, the Tests it has undergone & its Capacity.

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